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Escaping Christmas Page 6
Escaping Christmas Read online
Page 6
“When you’re over him you’ll know it.” His phone rang on the coffee table. Reaching for it, he glanced at the number and replied, “I have to get this. Hey, Mike.”
Why did she tense up when his phone rang? And why did she feel enormous relief at the name, Mike? Alex didn’t believe in love at first sight, but she had to admit something was stirring in the twenty-four hours she had met Zach Camden. She attempted to rationalize. He was good-looking. Okay, so that wasn’t the word for it. He was kind, considerate, and attentive. Owen had been all those things too. Alex took a deep breath and pushed that from her mind.
“I’m holed up in one of my cabins,” Zach explained to whoever Mike was. “No, the electric’s out. Are you up on generators? Good. You know the drill. Don’t run the lifts or let anyone on the slopes until it breaks.” He glanced at her before adding, “No, I’m good here. Better than good. I won’t be back until after Christmas. I know you got this. That’s why I pay you the big bucks. I don’t know how long the tower will hold out in this wind, but call if you need me. You too, Mike.”
He tossed the cell back on the table. “Now, where were we?”
“We just ended a very uncomfortable conversation. Let’s change the subject.”
“You. I want to know about you.”
“I’m a self-made millionaire. I usually don’t tell that on a first date, but you probably have more money than I do,” he teased. “Let’s see. What else? I was adopted and I don’t see my parents very often. They should have left it alone. God didn’t give them children for a reason, but I think we covered that too.”
“I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Don’t be. I learned a long time ago family isn’t always blood.”
Alex immediately thought of her best friend. She should call her. If Tiffany knew she was stranded here in the middle of nowhere with the sexiest man alive she would go out of her mind with joy. She smiled at the thought.
“Did I say something funny?”
“No. I was thinking of my friend. We couldn’t be closer if we were blood sisters. She hates Owen. She would be very happy you’re here.” Alex’s smile stayed in place.
His face turned serious. “I’m happy I’m here.” He brushed his lips lightly across hers. “Are you hungry?”
She hadn’t noticed, but she was. The night had lifted, but the heavy snow kept the little living room dim. “Can you hear my stomach growling?”
“Not too much.” He winked. “How about bacon and eggs on the wood stove?”
“I would offer to make them, but I’m not familiar with that method of cooking.”
He stood, then leaned over her. “That’s okay, honey, it’s all included in the package.”
“I like the package,” she replied, followed quickly by a groan. “Why do I keep putting my foot in my mouth?”
He kissed her forehead playfully. “You’re sending me subliminal messages?”
“I’m going to get dressed. I’ll be in to help,” she promised. She was expecting to be chilled when she stood, but the room was warm. Alex wasn’t sure if it was the fire or something else. Her bedroom was another story. The windows were frosting over and the temperature had dropped even more. Alex couldn’t change fast enough. But, was it from the cold or to be near Zach again?
He looked up from the eggs in time to see her enter the kitchen. She was breathtaking, and she had no idea. Even in a sweatshirt and her hair in a ponytail she was all class. It took every ounce of will power to keep his hands off of her, but he would…until the time was right.
“Smells good.” She smiled.
“My cologne?” He loved seeing her smile.
“Bacon trumps cologne.”
“Okay, I see how it’s going to be.” He grinned, sliding the eggs on a plate. “So, how about we decorate the cabin for Christmas?”
The blood drained from her face. “Um, I, uh…didn’t bring any decorations with me.”
“I have some stored here, in the loft. We sometimes advertise this as decorated for Christmas.”
“Oh,” was her only reply.
“What do you say? Take a step with me,” he urged.
“I’ll try.”
Her smile was forced, but they were making progress. Yes, she was going to like Christmas again if it was the last thing he did.
Chapter Ten
“This is really good.”
“I’m not just a pretty face.” Zach smiled broadly. “I was thinking we could decorate tonight, after supper. We can turn on some Christmas music and get into the spirit.”
“You’re really one of Santa’s elves, aren’t you?” She sipped her orange juice.
“No, they’re much shorter. So, what else would you like to do today?”
“I…um, haven’t really thought about it.” She avoided eye contact. Alex was afraid of what he might suggest next…like sled riding.
“I was thinking I’d try to get the generator working on the back porch.”
“There’s a generator?”
“It hasn’t been used in a while and there’s limited fuel, but we have to get those Christmas lights on, right?”
Alex peered out the kitchen window while putting her plate in the sink. The snow was blowing violently, blocking her view of anything farther than a foot away. “I don’t think you should go out there.”
“Worried about me?” He walked up behind her and reached around her to put his plate in the sink. He, then, wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear “I won’t go if you don’t want me to.”
She cleared her throat, turning toward him, which probably wasn’t a good idea. They were chest to chest. “I would rather you not go out there. It looks dangerous.” The trembling in her voice was obvious to her. He had to know he was getting to her.
“Okay, I’ll wait. Maybe we’ll get a break in the snow. I’ll get the decorations from the loft and you can do some writing.” He grabbed the orange juice and opened the refrigerator, quickly closing it.
Alex hadn’t thought about the food spoiling with the electric off. Zach was right. She had no business up here by herself. “I’ll get that. You made breakfast.”
“Go get some writing done. I’m as anxious as you for it to be finished.”
One thing for sure…Zach Camden always said what was on his mind. “Remember, my computer runs on electricity?”
“You can do it the old-fashioned way, paper and pencil. There’s a notebook in the desk.”
Apprehension filled her mind. She wasn’t ready to start this book. She had no idea what to write—how to write for a man that broke her heart. “I don’t know…” Her voice trailed off.
“Why not? That’s what you’re here for, right? The sooner you get this done the sooner you can move on. You said it yourself.”
He continued to challenge her. “Because I don’t know how to write a book for a man that dumped me,” she blurted.
“Are you writing it for him?” He stopped clearing the table and turned in her direction.
What did she see cross his face? “Not for him, but his image is burned in my brain. He’s been in the last three movies. He is the character.”
“So approach it differently.”
“How do you mean?” He had her attention.
“Write it for me.”
“For you? I’m not sure I understand.”
“You authors use visualization, right?”
“Some do,” she conceded.
“Then envision me…us…when you’re writing.”
“I wouldn’t know how. Besides, there is no ‘us’ and this series has been about them from the beginning,” Her voice turned sour thinking of the co-star that stole her life.
“Was he your inspiration when you wrote the first book?”
“No. I didn’t know him then. My inspiration was my hopes and dreams, I suppose.” It was so long ago.
“Forget the movies. Write the book. Write our story,
or what you’d like our story to be,” he encouraged.
She tossed the idea around. Could she do that? “You and I don’t have a story and I told you I’m not sure I can do another relationship. And this couple is married.” The excuses piled up.
“Geez, Lexie, I thought writers had an imagination. Think ahead to the possibilities. Think of us being married. Take our situation and make something out of it. Dream again. Get rid of him.”
Zach stood casually against the kitchen counter waiting for her reaction. He was testing her.
A warm sensation passed through her at the thought of being married to Zach Camden. A book was a safe place to imagine that without actually going there. “Okay. I’ll write a story and I’ll use you as my inspiration. Are you going to read it when I’m done? You do realize it’s a chick book, right?” She threw the challenge right back.
“I figured. I’ll read it after I see where the real story goes. I don’t want to ruin the ending.”
“I hope I can make it have a happy ending,” she replied with some sadness in her voice, thinking back to the last attempt.
“You’ll have your happy ending, honey, if you allow it. Trust me?”
“Trust is something that doesn’t come easy to me. I’ve had no one in my life to trust.”
“I’m here to change that. Go get started. The paper is in the desk. I’m going to get the decorations and maybe take a little nap on the couch while you work.”
“Ahh, napping while I work? Is this a sign of things to come?” she joked, immediately regretting the comment. Only because it implied a future and she couldn’t make any promises, but the smile on his face warmed her heart.
“I’ll have you shackled to your computer, so I can retire.”
“Get lost, Zach,” she commented with laughter. It felt good to laugh.
He moved toward her, embracing her. He had a foot in height on her, so he had to tilt his head down to rest his forehead against hers. “Do you really want that? For me to get lost?”
She couldn’t move. In his arms her heart thudded against her chest. She had to admit he was making her forget Owen Banks existed. Alex forced the words. “No. I like having you here.” He made her feel again and she wasn’t sure she wanted to, but it was the distraction she needed. Maybe she could write this book after all.
Her cell rang, interrupting the rising temperature in the room. Alex glanced in the direction of the nuisance. Zach hadn’t released her. “I should get that. It could be my editor.”
The doubt crossed his face as his hands dropped to his side. She could guess what he was thinking, but he was wrong. For the first time, she didn’t want to hear Owen’s voice on the other end.
“Hello.” She rolled her eyes at the voice on the other end. “Hi, Mother.”
“Alexandra, what is going on there? Owen called me last night and said you were staying there with a man.” The last word her mom barely said above a whisper.
“He had no right to call you. I’m a grown woman. I don’t need your permission, Mother.”
“Alexandra Storm, you listen to me. Owen made a mistake. He loves you and he wants to make this right. Things aren’t what they seemed. We talked about it at great length.”
“I’m sure you did.” She gazed over at Zach. He stood in the same place, hands tucked in his jeans.
“Well?” Her mother’s impatient tone was all too familiar. She was waiting for Alex to say the wrong thing, so she could pounce.
“What?” Alex made no attempt to hide the snide tone in her voice. This was none of her business.
“Who’s the man with you? Why aren’t you giving Owen another chance? You’re perfect for each other.”
Anger pumped through her veins. She was blood-thumping-in-the-ears mad. Her mother only wanted what was best for appearances and Owen was a hot commodity, good for the family profile and the bottom line. Alex took in a deep breath before addressing the question. If she didn’t shut her mother down now, there would be no stopping her.
“I’m not giving him another chance. He’s married, remember? And even if he wasn’t, do you really believe I’m perfectly suited for a man who cheats and lies?” Alex knew Zach was listening, but she wanted her mother off her back and if she thought there was no hope for her and Owen, then maybe she’d drop the subject.
“I’ve met someone yes,” she admitted, avoiding Zach’s gaze. “He’s kind, caring, and considerate.” Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous, but she wasn’t going to add that within his earshot. And she wasn’t going to admit she was a charity case because he was worried about her safety.
“Alexandra, be reasonable. They’re all kind and considerate at first. You need to quit being foolish. You need to make smart business decisions. I’m sure if you let Owen explain you’ll be more understanding. Besides, a relationship with him is an excellent move for your future.”
“My future’s just fine. It’s yours you’re worried about. Listen, Mother, I don’t need your permission or your approval. If you talk to him again tell him to move on. I am. I have to go.”
“Is he there with you now?”
God, she was nosey. “Yes.”
“Does he have a name? What does he do for a living?”
“I’m not giving you that information, so you can have a background check run on him.” Alex knew how her mother operated.
“You can never be too careful, Alexandra.”
“Mother, no.” The phone left her hand and she turned to find Zach speaking into it.
“Mrs. Storm? My name is Zach Camden. That’s C-a-m-d-e-n. You are welcome to have me checked out. I have nothing to hide. I care for your daughter very much. If a background check puts you at ease, you have my permission.”
Chapter Eleven
Did she just hear him right? Had he really told her mother to do a background check? She forced her gaping mouth shut. Dear God, she was going to have a tirade. No one talked to Mrs. Storm without an invitation.
“Yes ma’am, that’s what I said. I care for her.” Listening to one side of the conversation was killing Alex. “What kind of feelings? Well, ma’am, we’re working on that.”
Alex stared at him in shock. “She wants to talk to you again.” He handed the phone to her. “I’m going to go look for those decorations.” He gave an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder before he left the room.
She took a deep breath before speaking and attempted to hide the shock from her voice. “Okay, you’re happy now? You can do your background check. He’s everything Owen could never be. I’ll see you in January, Mother.” She didn’t wait for the response on the other end before hanging up.
She stared at the phone before throwing it on the end table beside her. Zach, more or less, admitted to having feelings for her. To her mother. Her thoughts were all over. She was certainly attracted to him. And did he really mean it or was he trying to save her from an embarrassing situation? She stood and glanced around, not sure where the loft was. There was a door on the opposite side of the living room she hadn’t been in yet. She hadn’t paid attention where he went when he left. She was too busy fending off the interrogation and recovering from the shock.
Alex opened the door. It was another little bedroom and it was freezing cold. Goose bumps settled on her skin quickly. The sound of boxes shifting around captured her attention. Following the noise to the wooden ladder propped against the wall, she raised her eyes upward. Should she confront him? And how does one start a conversation like this? So, Zach, what do you really feel for me? Against her better judgment she climbed.
“Need some help?” she asked casually. It was dark, but he had a flashlight and she could see him well enough.
“Sure. I’ve got the boxes we need right here. I’ll go down and you can push them to me.”
Alex climbed up the rest of the way, kneeling beside him. “Zach?”
“Yeah,” he responded without looking at her.
“Did you tell my mother the truth?” She couldn’t even say the w
He held the flashlight in his hand, looking in her direction. “Yeah, Lexie, I meant it. There’s something happening between us and I’d like to know what it is. I understand you were hurt and weren’t planning on me. Hell, this was not in my five year plan either. She’s your mom. I’m sure she’s worried about you.”
“She only wanted a name to run a background check,” she replied honestly. “My parents are snobs.”
“She’s looking out for you.”
“That would be the day. They’ve always tried to control everything I do. Owen has convinced her he made a mistake and she’s not going to let this drop. My mother’s all about appearances. Or to put it simply, she likes to brag. Owen was someone she could brag about. The fact he’s married is only a minor complication to her. She was never impressed with my choice of careers. You see, I’m living in a fantasy world according to her. It doesn’t matter Owen lives in the same world. Everyone knows who he is and that’s what matters. I wouldn’t doubt if she was planning the wedding of the century.” The disgusted sound in her voice didn’t matter to her. He should know what her mother was like.
“Who you love is not her decision to make…and it’s not mine.”
The light reflected off the floor casting a shadow across his face. She had no idea what he was thinking. “You’re right. It is my decision. I’m not ready to love anyone, Zach, but if I was…” How was she going to choke this out? “If I was…I’d want him to be like you.”
“Fair enough. Not only am I patient, I’m persistent. If we’re meant to be I’m willing to hang in there. Now, move out of my way. I’m freezing.”
Alex smiled as he climbed down the ladder. The encounter wasn’t as awkward as she’d thought it would be. She pushed the first box down. In no time they had four boxes stacked on the floor.
“That’s a lot of decorations for this little cabin,” Alex observed, not sure she was up to this.
“We don’t have to use them all. We still need to get a tree. I think the base is in one of these boxes.” He flipped open one box, and another… “Here it is.” Zach held it up triumphantly.
“How are we going to get a tree in this weather?”