Escaping Christmas Page 4
“You don’t sound like that’s one of your favorites. We could watch something else.”
“It’s not that. I’m not much for Christmas,” she admitted, thinking back to a Christmas two years prior.
He ignored the comment. “Why don’t you grab a hot shower? I’ll keep an eye on that,” he said, taking the spoon from her hands. “The California girl in you must be freezing. And it might calm your nerves.”
So, he noticed she was one breath away from losing it. “I’m going to take you up on that.” Some time away from Zach Camden was in order. She relinquished control of dinner detail and gratefully retreated to her room. What was she thinking asking him to stay here? She was here to write and purge all thoughts of Owen from her mind. Not an easy feat when he was the subject of the message hanging outside her cabin. But, one look at Zach’s muscles and the horror disappeared from her mind. No. She wouldn’t allow herself to replace one problem with another.
Alex stepped under the steaming hot water and sighed. She turned, allowing the hot water to penetrate her aching neck. Rolling her shoulders, she slowly lifted her head to find him staring intently at her, beads of water streaming down his bare chest. Her breath hitched. She reached out to him and gasped. She was daydreaming. Embarrassment, but more alarming, disappointment filled her. Obviously, a shower wasn’t going to rid him from her mind. She turned the nozzle and embraced the shocking cold.
Chapter Six
Alex pushed through the kitchen door and stopped in her tracks. A candle illuminated a table set for two. She had been starving, but now her stomach lurched in an entirely different way with the shower scene still fresh in her mind. Her eyes focused on the wine bottle and then hesitantly on him. She longed to have this in her life—the sharing of a meal, conversation, private jokes…a man that could make a commitment. Heck, she’d settle for sharing the same air space. She knew no one would ever live up to the image she created. She immediately put up the armor. Bolting from the room seemed a good idea, but she refrained.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, pulling out her chair.
Alex ignored the question. Food wasn’t on her mind. She had to stop this before it got away from her. “Zach, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I asked you to stay because of the weather.” Not because there was a picture of me on the front porch with a knife through my face, and I need you here to feel safe. And definitely not because you make me want a relationship I can never have—something that will never exist.
“The candle was too much?”
“Maybe a little.” She met his eyes. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest.
“I didn’t mean to come on too strong. A candlelight dinner with a beautiful woman sounded like a nice way to spend an evening.”
They needed to set some ground rules and she was going to be honest. “Zach, I’m attracted to you, but I can’t go there.” I won’t go there. No one will hurt me like that ever again.
“Did I mention I’d like to punch this guy in the face? Tell me. I want to know.”
Why did he have to seem so…perfect?
Alex knew exactly what, or better, who Zach wanted to know about. She had nothing to hide or be ashamed of. “His name is Owen Banks.” The sound of his name pierced her ears. “He’s the actor in my TV movies.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened.
She knew at that moment he didn’t miss the connection with the picture.
Alex stared into the candlelight. “Everyone assumed we’d get married. We dated for two years, but his announcement wasn’t of our engagement.” She paused and concentrated on keeping a steady voice. “He chose Christmas to tell me he was engaged to the actress who plays opposite him.”
“And that’s why you came here? To escape Christmas?” He wasn’t being snide.
“Honestly? One of the reasons. Christmas doesn’t hold the same meaning as it did before. But, I also came here to work through my feelings and to finish this damned series, so I can get him completely out of my life.”
He put down his spoon and stared her straight in the eyes. “Let me help you.”
“I can’t replace one heartache for another.”
“I won’t break your heart,” he promised, not letting go of her gaze.
She shoved her hands on her lap, away from his sight. To have him see her tremble would be a sign of weakness. “You can’t know that. Besides, I’m only here a few weeks and then I’d have to go home to forget about you.”
“What if I don’t want you to forget?”
Alex matched his stare and indulged in the pleasure of really looking at him. The short, sandy brown hair with a cut that screamed sexy. The muscles that told her he knew his way around a weight room, and that five o’clock shadow…God, he was right off a magazine cover. Too bad she wasn’t into casual sex.
How did she answer his question?
He filled the awkward silence. “Eat your chili and let’s go watch that movie, okay?” And then, the wink.
“It’s not going to go anywhere other than a movie.” The warning was just as much for her as it was for him. The muscles in his arms tensed. She gaped openly. Her gaze traveled to his face, stopping at the eyes that met hers. She shoved a spoonful of the chili in her mouth. This was going to be a long night.
Zach followed her into the living room. She plopped down on the couch, and he reached for the movie he had retrieved while she had showered. Alexandra Storm had no trust left in men. He vowed inwardly to give it back to her, even if it was only as a friend that showed compassion. His life had been about his work… no drama, just nice and simple. The thoughts rolling around in his head were not friendly in nature. They were the kind that set a man’s skin on fire. He would fight the devil on his shoulder and be the friend she needed while she was here. Anything more would end in trouble. He knew there was more to her story and he wasn’t sure if he was man enough to handle it. Hell, maybe, he was too much man. He had the need to protect her, but he didn’t know from what? Herself? Owen Banks? Or from whoever left that warning?
“You want some popcorn?” he asked while loading the machine and pushing “play”. He needed the distraction as much as she did.
“I’m stuffed, but if you…” She stopped. Her head turned in the direction of noise—loud motor noise. “Is that your snowmobile?”
Zach ran for the front door, throwing it open. By the sound of the engine noise, they were close. He turned to find her standing beside him, concern etched in her face.
“Did someone steal your snowmobile?”
“Stay here,” he ordered. He grabbed his coat from the hook, jumped into his boots, and made no further comment before bolting out the door.
The loud barking of a dog in hot pursuit led Zach in an easterly direction. It was Joey, the dog from the nearby cabin.
The sound of the snowmobile was now far off in the distance. It was no use trying to catch anyone on foot. He circled around the cabin to the shed, and to his surprise, found his machine where he left it. He, also, made an interesting find.
Alex greeted him at the door. “Is it gone?”
“Wasn’t mine,” he answered, holding in his hands what appeared to be a piece of a scarf. “Does this look familiar?”
“No. Where did you find that?”
“Joey must have took a hunk out of him before he took off. I found it near the shed.”
“Oh, no. Is Joey okay?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Probably laying in front of a cozy fire by now.” Zach examined the cloth closely.
“Maybe it was just someone passing by?”
“No, Alexandra. There were footprints all around the cabin. Someone was a little curious about what was going on in here. Joey must have been out for his run and caught the scent.”
Her face went white. No doubt she was thinking what he was thinking…the person who left the picture. But, then his mind jumped to another candidate, Owen Banks. He had to consider the possibility he was behind all of this. He didn’t know
enough for any of it to make sense.
Zach didn’t comment, but instead reached for the quilt and wrapped it around her tenderly. He stoked the fire as the previews played and joined her on the sofa, not attempting to join her under the quilt. It was about trust.
“Alexandra,” he said evenly, “are you in some kind of trouble? If you are, maybe I can help.”
He regretted the question when her eyes pooled. “The only trouble I’ve had was falling in love with a user. All of this? I have no idea.”
“I believe you,” he said after a lengthy pause. “I’d call the police, but by the time they got out here the footprints would be gone with all the snow that’s falling. And whoever it was, I’m sure, is long gone…for now.” If someone meant her harm, he would be here to make sure she wasn’t a sitting duck. He leaned back and put his feet on the coffee table. “Don’t worry. I won’t leave until I know you’re safe.” And he meant it. The crackling of the fire and the wind howling made for the perfect backdrop for romance, but he wasn’t going to buy into that, or so he kept telling himself. Her last name was a fitting title for the conflict in his head. She was the perfect storm.
He glanced at her periodically throughout the movie. Her focus indicated she wanted to believe in “happily-ever-afters” and the tears that slid down her cheek at the end only confirmed his suspicions. She built a wall because of some jerk who didn’t know what he had. He was going to tear it down brick by brick. He needed to be careful with her feelings…and his own. This wasn’t a woman he wanted a round in bed with. She was a woman he could see himself with for life. The question was whether a life with anyone was what he wanted.
Zach turned to her as he let the credits roll. He wiped away a tear with the back of his hand. “Did you hate it? Too old-fashioned?”
“It was brilliant. What a great message.”
“It’s true, you know? We all make a difference in someone’s life. I intend to make a difference in yours.”
“Zach…” he could hear the warning in her voice.
“Answer one question…honestly. Do you like having me here?”
He wasn’t sure she would answer. He wasn’t sure he was strong enough for the answer. She stared at him with those eyes that could take his breath away, and nodded in affirmation.
Zach smiled. “Good. I like being here with you. I’m not after sex, honey. There’s something about you…something in me that wants to protect you. Something in me that wants to make you trust again.” Did he explain that right? He wasn’t sure. He was having a difficult time understanding himself what he was after. He hoped the honesty wouldn’t send her bolting in the woods. She didn’t move, so he continued. “I want to know everything about you. I want you to trust again. I want you to trust me.”
She shifted away from him. Had he gone too far?
“I’ve only known you for twelve hours.”
He chuckled. “And you’re not in love with me already?” A hint of a smile crossed her face. “I don’t want you to leave in a month and wonder if I let the love of my life walk out the door.” He didn’t wait for her comment. “I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I know I’ve been trying to fight it.” He caressed the side of her cheek. “You feel it too, don’t you? Something special?”
She sighed. “Maybe I’m only feeling flattery that another man finds me attractive.”
Okay. He could deal with honesty. “Give me the chance to show you.” He leaned in, running his hand up the back of her neck, into the dark curls, and gently urged her toward him. He kissed her cautiously, afraid he was crossing the line. Her lips were as soft as cashmere. He waited for her protest, but there was none. He moved back, only a bit. “I’m going to bed. Think about what I’ve said.” He stood and kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight, my beautiful Lexie.”
Alex took in a ragged breath. Sitting in stunned silence, she couldn’t move. “Lexie?” She whispered the word, testing the sound of it. No one had ever called her that. Every inch of her wanted to follow him into his bedroom…almost every inch. Her brain was conflicted.
Alex stared into the fire, replaying every word he said to her. She was afraid. The hurt Owen’s betrayal caused…she never wanted to feel that way again. It was easier to live on her own with no expectations.
Alex stared into the fire while her thoughts ran wild. Should she take that leap? She jumped at a knock on the door. She debated if she should answer it, but what if it was someone in need? Maybe it was the person here earlier and they were only lost. Zach was a yell away. She wrapped the quilt tightly around her and opened the door. She nearly collapsed.
“Owen, what are you doing here?”
“I needed to talk to you and you wouldn’t listen to me on the phone.” He entered without invitation, shutting the door and the wind behind him.
“I wouldn’t listen, because I don’t care what you have to say. You shouldn’t be here. There’s a bad storm on the way and you should be home with your wife.” A vision of a knifed picture on the porch flashed in her mind.
“That was a mistake, Alexandra. I still love you.”
She channeled anger. He would not see one tear slip down her cheek. Damn him! “You made your choice, Owen.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She pushed him away. His touch sickened her. He was a married man! How dare he come in here and think he could put his hands on her? “Don’t. I’m warning you,” she hissed with every ounce of pent up emotion.
“I know you feel the same. I talked to your mom.”
Before she could question him about what her mother thought she knew, a voice from behind her asked angrily, “What’s going on here?”
Alex didn’t know if she should be relieved or horrified. She glanced over her shoulder to see Zach standing there in a muscle tank and the pajama pants from earlier. Her heart raced at the sight. In that moment, she forgot Owen Banks existed until he broke into her thoughts.
“Who’s this?” Owen stepped back, releasing her.
“My boyfriend,” she blurted with immediate regret.
Owen’s eyes darted past her right to Zach and then rested on her. “I don’t believe you. Your mother said you came up here to forget me and avoid the bad memories of our last Christmas.”
“My mother doesn’t know everything about my life.” She was getting in deeper.
Owen reached for her hand and she jerked away.
“Touch her again and you’ll see just how much of a boyfriend I am,” Zach threatened, suddenly beside her.
Owen glanced at Zach and addressed Alex. “We were perfect together, and I screwed up. We can still fix this. There’s so much you don’t know. So much I need to explain.”
Zach gave her confidence standing beside her. “There is nothing to fix. And as far as any explanations, I’m not interested. Go home to your family.”
“You’ll change your mind. I can’t see snow patrol keeping you interested. Be careful. You’re a wealthy woman, Alexandra.”
“I’m not snow patrol. Well, unless you consider owning three ski resorts snow patrol.” The irritation in his tone was obvious. “I don’t need or want Lexie’s money. I think the lady asked you to leave, but if you insist, I could throw you out.”
Shock crossed Owen’s face when Zach called her Lexie. Satisfaction filled every fiber in her body, but confusion invaded her mind. He owned ski resorts?
“I’m leaving, but if you want to get in touch I’m staying at the Camden Ski Resort for a couple of days.”
“One of mine,” Zach said with a sarcastic smile. “Enjoy your stay. Now, leave.”
Alex’s feet were planted to the floor as she watched Zach shove past him, opening the door and waving Owen through. The swirl of icy air filled the small cabin like the emotions swirling in her mind. The gratification of her ex believing she had moved on was what she had dreamed of, but she was so used to the hurt she wasn’t sure what to do next.
The heat of embarrassment lif
ted to her face. Zach stood by the door staring at her. It was time to apologize.
Chapter Seven
“I’m so sorry, Zach. I don’t know what made me say that.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” He walked to the window, pulled open the shutter and peered out. “Looks like the snow’s let up. I should head out, since we solved who your visitor was. I doubt he’ll be back anytime soon.”
The blood leaving Alex’s face left her weak. He was angry. “I wanted him to think I’ve moved on. I didn’t mean to put you in the middle.” She sucked in a deep breath before adding, “I don’t want you to go.”
He faced her, but didn’t move from the window. “I’m not sorry you told him I was your boyfriend. I’m sorry you’re still hung up on him.”
“I’m not,” she shot back at him.
“Why did you tell him that?” He didn’t wait for an answer, but gave his own. “You wanted him to be jealous.”
She debated on her reply. “When I turned around and saw you walk into the room Owen Banks was the farthest thing from my mind. Yeah, maybe I wanted him to be jealous. Maybe I wanted him to think someone like you would want to be with me.” Her voice raised an octave with the last sentence.
“Someone like me does want to be with you, Lexie. I don’t understand why you don’t think you’re worthy. Look at you. You’re beautiful, and I’m not talking about the pretty face and the curves.”
Her face heated.
Zach moved from his spot and took her hand, kissing her palm and meeting her eyes. “The break in the snow isn’t going to last, make your choice. Is it going to be me or him?”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Me or him, Lexie?”
“You,” she answered, barely above a whisper.
“I don’t think I heard you.”
“You.” Her reply was said with authority.
A small smile crossed his face. “Good. You won’t be sorry. I’m going to make you forget he ever existed. That’s a promise.” His lips brushed across her forehead before he walked past her and back to his room.