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Escaping Christmas Page 3
Escaping Christmas Read online
Page 3
Alex realized two things in that moment—Zach Camden was hot and she would have to avoid him at all costs. After today she would stick to her plan of why she came here in the first place.
“You ready?”
She nodded, not totally convinced. She watched, not moving from her spot, as he straddled the black and red machine.
He glanced over his shoulder. “Let’s go, chicken.”
She looked up in time to catch his grin. She was not a chicken. Alex climbed on behind him and sat on the surprisingly cushy seat, holding on to the cargo rack behind her.
“Put your arms around me, Alexandra, and hold on tight.”
A chill shot straight through her. She was used to everyone calling her Alex. Her name never sounded better on another’s lips. You are not here for romance! For all she knew he had a girlfriend.
“I won’t go fast until you ask, okay?” he reassured her before turning the key. The motor whirled over and he spoke loudly over the noise. “The next cabin is up a bit beyond those trees. Are you ready?”
“I suppose,” she answered, elevating her voice. She resisted the urge to jump off into the nearest snow bank.
Alex grabbed around his middle with a bit of fear when he revved the engine. He covered her hand momentarily and squeezed. A sign of reassurance? Her heart melted with the gesture. What had she gotten herself into?
Zach kept to his promise and maneuvered slowly through the pines, heading up the mountain. The climb wasn’t steep and she was soon forgetting her apprehension as they glided across the snow. About ten minutes passed when he cut the engine in front of a cabin slightly larger than hers. He climbed off and held out his hand. He was such a gentleman. She was sure she would melt the snow with the heat coming off of her. Taking his hand, she stood.
“Well, what did you think?” he asked while unbuckling her helmet and lifting it off.
“I think I might learn to like it.” She smiled, feeling accomplished.
“Let’s go. Come meet the Baker’s.” He pulled her along with him.
“Zach…” She struggled against his weight. “I’ll stay here. I’m good.”
“They won’t stand for that,” he warned.
“I don’t want them thinking…”
“We’re a couple?” He finished her thought.
“Something like that.”
“He hurt you bad, didn’t he? I wish I had five minutes with him.” An angry look quickly passed over his face and was gone. “What if I set them straight?”
Alex knew he was teasing her, but she agreed. She would look stupid standing out here alone. “Okay, but remember I can’t stay long.”
“Right.” He knocked on the door.
Mr. Baker opened the door and, to Alex’s surprise, was older than she expected.
“Come on in, Zach, we’re letting all my hard-earned heat out the door. Who do you have with you?”
“This is my friend, Alexandra Storm. Alexandra, Dwight Baker. He and his wife come here every year at this time and stay the winter,” Zach explained.
“We’re true snowbirds,” Mr. Baker joked.
“It’s very nice to meet you.” Alex was still trying to recover from the introduction. She liked the way he said her name a little too much.
“This is my wife, Betsy.” A gray-haired lady with youthful skin held out her hand.
“Pleased to meet you, Alexandra.” A kind smile crossed Mrs. Baker’s lips, immediately putting Alex at ease.
“It’s my pleasure.” She returned the smile.
The cold nose on her hand startled Alex. Zach laughed. “And this is Joey.”
“Don’t be a pest, Joey.” Mr. Baker shooed the yellow Labrador.
“He’s fine,” Alex reassured, while showering her new friend with attention.
“Joey’s famous around here,” Zach said petting the dog with the wildly wagging tail. “But, the adoration hasn’t gone to his head.”
“If you want to be his best friend for life bring him an ice cream cone. He loves those. He’s not spoiled or anything.” Mr. Baker glanced at his wife with a teasing grin.
Mrs. Baker chuckled. “Well, if I’m making ice cream why shouldn’t Joey enjoy a cone?” Her attention moved to her and Zach. “Come in for some hot chocolate. I have it on the stove.”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want to impose.”
Zach interrupted with a grin. “That’s really the only reason I come here. Mr. Baker doesn’t need me. He’s a man of the land. Although,” he turned to Mr. Baker, “I did want to let you know there’s a storm due in this evening. You might want to bring some of that wood in from the shed. I’ll help you.”
“I’ll take you up on that.” Mr. Baker grabbed his coat and they were out the door.
“Come on back to the kitchen, dear, and have some cocoa. How long have you and Zachary been a couple?”
“Oh, we aren’t a couple, Mrs. Baker.” Alex’s voice didn’t sound all that convincing, even to her. She dreaded the awkward conversation that was sure to follow.
Mrs. Baker stopped and faced her with a surprised look. “No?” She paused. “I’m usually right on about those things. Well, he’s quite the catch. Maybe you should reconsider?”
“Zach’s nice, but I’m not staying long. Only a few weeks. I’m from California.”
A smile broke across Mrs. Baker’s face. “Something tells me you might be staying longer.”
Chapter Five
Alex sipped the hot beverage and sighed with appreciation. “This is delicious.”
“The secret is making it from scratch. I don’t use the boxes. Zach always makes sure I have what I need,” she said proudly, dropping a candy cane in her steaming mug.
“I can see why,” Alex replied sincerely. Just then the door blew open and the laughter of the two men filled the kitchen. Zach’s eyes caught hers and he winked. Please let him quit doing that!
“Did you get the firewood on the back porch?” Mrs. Baker asked with concern.
“Yes, dear, and it’s all covered up. We’re ready,” Mr. Baker promised. “So, Alexandra, did you try Betsy’s famous hot cocoa? She’ll have to teach you how to make it. Zach has consumed a barrel full of it since we started coming here.” His laughter bounced off the walls.
What was he insinuating? She should learn how to make it for Zach? Or was she being paranoid? She didn’t know how to respond. “It’s the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had,” she agreed honestly. That seemed safe enough.
“Sit, Zach, and have a cup,” Mrs. Baker offered.
“We need to get going. The snow’s starting to fall. I wanted to stop over at the Kinsey’s cabin and let them know about the storm before I take Alexandra back. She’s never experienced a Colorado mountain snowstorm. I’d rather she do it from the inside looking out,” he joked.
“I’ve watched how fast you guzzle down a cup. You’ll have plenty of time,” Mr. Baker urged.
“Well,” he hedged, glancing toward her.
“Sure,” Alex agreed. “One cup’s really not going to put us behind.” Zach’s grateful look wasn’t missed on her as he pulled out a chair to her right.
“So, how long have you kids known each other?” Mr. Baker started the conversation.
Alex swallowed a groan, immediately regretting her comment to stay.
“She’s renting a cabin off me for a few weeks,” Zach explained. “She’s an author. And a damned good one. She has movies out based on her books.”
Never had anyone, not even Tiffany, sounded as proud. The blood pounded in her ears. She would not cry.
“That’s wonderful,” Mrs. Baker exclaimed. “What type of books do you write?”
“Mrs. Baker loves to read,” her husband volunteered, patting her hand.
Alex bit back the emotion that stirred from Zach’s words. “I write romance. My “Sanders’ Family” series has been made into TV movies. The Christmas story is set to air this week.”
“I wish I had television.” Mrs. Baker looked to her
husband with disappointment.
Alex smiled. “I’m working on my last in the series. It’s already been contracted for a movie.”
Zach remained quiet, his attention focused on her. She shifted in her seat.
“I will certainly check out the bookstore when we go to town.” Mrs. Baker grabbed a pencil and paper, jotting the Sanders name down.
“You ready to get cold again?” Zach spoke for the first time.
“No time like the present.” Alex stood and hugged Mrs. Baker. “Thank you for the hot chocolate.”
“Anytime, dear. And if you ever want to learn how to make it, you know where I’m at.”
Alex didn’t miss the double meaning. “That’s kind of you.”
Joey jumped up from his place next to Mrs. Baker, nudging Alex’s hand. “It was nice to meet you too, Joey.” Everyone laughed at the canine’s need to be included.
She followed Zach out the front door. The wind had picked up and the snow was falling at a generous pace. “Do you think we should head back? We might get stuck.”
“This baby’ll go through anything. Not to worry. I’ll have you safely returned in no time. Lucky for you, I don’t know the other couple well. I just want to stop by and give them a warning. Not sure if they listen to the radio.”
Alex pulled the helmet down over her head, but let him buckle it. She couldn’t see what she was doing. The goggles went on next and she took her place behind him. They descended down the hill, still heading west. Another cabin appeared suddenly from the snow. Darkness was falling, maybe because of the increased snow fall. She wasn’t used to this kind of weather and was, admittedly, getting nervous.
“Stay here, honey. I’ll be right back.”
He called her “honey” again. Did he call every woman that? A sudden vision of him in her cabin popped to mind. She shook her head to rid the thought. Not happening. It was no time before he was approaching her and starting the engine.
Alex calculated about a twenty-five minute ride back. The snow fell at a faster pace, making it difficult to see. He slowed down. She had plenty of time with her own thoughts, and they included Zach Camden and why she couldn’t have met him instead of Owen Banks. She pictured him snuggled under the quilt with her. She imagined his lips on hers… She envisioned the perfect man. He didn’t exist in reality, only in her books and she knew that.
Silence. The sudden stop startled her back to the present. Her coat was covered in snow. The wind gusted so strongly she could barely see her cabin, and they were only feet away. The temperature must have dropped twenty degrees. “Zach,” she said over the wind, “don’t leave.”
His head whipped in her direction.
Alex rushed to clarify. “The weather is too bad. You can put the snowmobile in that shed, can’t you?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. You can stay in the other bedroom. It’ll only be for a couple of days.”
The wind swirled around them in gusts that took Alex’s breath away. She struggled to keep her eyes open. The snow, wind, and cold stabbed at her like needles.
Zach wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the front door. Under the cover of the porch, she could see again, but what she saw made her gasp in horror. There, attached to a log pillar with a knife, was a portfolio picture of her. Written in black marker across the picture were the words BEWARE: Owen Banks Will Ruin You!
“What the hell?” Zach walked with purpose past the picture to the front door and turned the knob to see if it was locked. It was, but that was no guarantee someone wasn’t waiting for her inside. “Give me your key.”
She complied without argument, tears streaming freely down her face, pulling at his heart strings, but there was no time for that.
“Stay here,” Zach commanded, focused on the possibility of danger.
“Maybe we should call the police.”
He glanced over his shoulder. “The police? Out here? We’ll be popsicles by the time they get here. I’ll be right back.” He jogged to his snowmobile and returned quickly with a flashlight. He wanted no surprises. The cabin was dark and he wasn’t going in there blind.
“Don’t move and don’t follow me in there,” he warned.
“Please don’t go.” She grabbed at his coat and their eyes met. He knew if he allowed it, she could make his heart go to putty. But, obviously, there was more to Alexandra Storm than met the eye, and he wasn’t looking to complicate his life. Well, he had his answer to the mysterious Miss Storm. Someone had it out for her.
Zach went from room to room, checking every closet, every nook and cranny. He could’ve made it home easily, but she didn’t know that. He told himself, when she first asked him to stay, he only wanted to make sure she was safe through the storm. Now, he was truly worried about her safety.
Who was he kidding? He was here because his caveman hormones had kicked in. Zach slammed the last closet door shut. She was right. He should call the police and then put as much distance between them as possible. But, common sense had left the building.
Zach peered out the front door to find her leaning against the wall, staring in the direction of the picture. “It’s all clear in here. Why don’t you make us some coffee, and I’ll put the snowmobile in the shed?”
She only nodded, saying nothing. Zach watched her look around the living room before she crossed the threshold. He closed the door and his mind took off in fast forward.
Alexandra Storm intrigued him from their first meeting. He wanted to make her forget that other guy when he knew this wasn’t the plan of action to keeping his life simple.
Who had her so upset on the phone earlier? Why was someone warning her about an Owen Banks? He blew out a long breath, pushing open the shed doors and tucking in the snowmobile. After securing it, he looked to the sky. He knew this would be a bad storm and if he stayed he’d, most likely, be here awhile. He had to make a decision. He chose to stay. So much for simplicity.
He went around the front and entered quickly, shaking off the snow at the door.
She was waiting for him. “Let me take that.”
“Thanks,” he said staring into light green eyes. She was beautiful. Her long, dark hair hung past her shoulders in loose, damp curls. He watched her hang his coat and hat by the door. “Are you okay?”
“Sure, I’m fine,” she replied hurriedly and then changed the subject. “I don’t have any dry clothes for you,” she said apologetically.
Zach held up his backpack. “I always carry some with me. I never know when I’ll need them. Living in the mountains,” he added as an afterthought. “Do you have any idea who would have done that?” No sense beating around the bush.
“I’m in the public eye. It could have been anyone.”
Her attempt to pass off the incident as an everyday occurrence wasn’t sitting well with him. “Well, just the same, I wouldn’t open the door unless you know who’s on the other side.” He could only make the suggestion. He had no rights to her.
Alex nodded. “Well, make yourself at home. You can have the guest room.” A small smile crossed her face.
“What?” he returned her smile.
“I guess telling you to make yourself at home is stupid. This is your home.” She hugged herself. “The coffee’s ready. I’ll start something to eat while you put your things away and warm up.”
Zach followed her into the kitchen, ignoring her suggestion. She grabbed hamburger from the refrigerator and emptied the cupboards for, he guessed, the staples of chili. Alex turned and ran into him. He steadied her, but failed to let go. “Can I help you?” he asked with double meaning. Her eyes drifted upwards until they met his. She was rattled. The question was, why?
Face first into a muscular chest, Alex faltered. “I, uh, was going to make chili. Do you like chili?” Her words echoed back to her. She sounded like an idiot. She couldn’t stop shaking. The image of a knife through her face rushed through her mind. She was one step fr
om hysterical. Who could have put that picture there? The earlier phone call from Owen disturbed her even more now. What was he up to that someone would warn her? The internal battle continued until Zach interrupted.
“Love it. Let me help. After all, you’re giving me a place to stay.”
What was he talking about? Right, the chili…and his cabin. “Zach, this is your place, remember? And don’t think for a moment I don’t know why you’re here.”
“And what exactly is your theory, Alexandra? Because, I don’t know exactly why the hell I’m here.”
The way her name rolled off his tongue gave her pause. “You think I need a protector.” She swallowed the nervous jitter, grabbing the back of the kitchen chair for support. “From the snowstorm and a crazed fan.”
“So, does that kind of thing happen often?” He avoided the concession to her protection.
“No, but there’s always a first time.” Alex didn’t know what to think. Owen’s face flashed in her mind.
“My thanks, anyway, for the hospitality. You’re paying the rent. Besides, the sooner we get this cooking, the sooner we eat. I’m starved!”
Zach grabbed the pan and started frying the hamburger. Alex chopped the onions. In no time they had the concoction bubbling on the stove.
“I’m going to change,” he announced, breaking the silence.
She stirred the chili, glancing up with an, “Okay.” Her thoughts kept going back to the picture. She wondered what Zach had done with it and the knife. At this point, she didn’t want to know. She never wanted to see it again.
He emerged minutes later in pajama pants and a t-shirt. Alex wasn’t prepared for the sight before her. Who would have imagined what was under all that winter clothing? For the first time she had a view of his biceps. Whew! She attempted to keep her eyes on the chili pot.
“Let’s eat and watch one of those Christmas movies. How about ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’?”
She had to get a grip on her emotions. He would be here for two or three days. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself every time she opened her mouth. “Sure, that would be good.” Okay. She needed some practice.